Brazilian exporters can contribute to the consultation on the Integrated Drawback Suspension

  • Brazil
  • |
  • Jan 14 2014

Secretary of Foreign Trade (Secex) invites exporters, importers and customs brokers to participate in research on Integrated Drawback Suspension. The consultation aims to improve the regulation and the system, and must be answered until the 1st of March 2

  The Secretary of Foreign Trade ( Secex ) invites exporters , importers and customs brokers to participate in research on Integrated Drawback Suspension . The consultation aims to improve the regulation and the system , and must be answered until the 1st of March 2014 and forwarded to the email .

The consultation will be by the search form, with questions relating to the various stages of authorization and confirmation of the system . Companies may respond only they deem appropriate . May also submit reviews, comments, and suggestions not only in relation to the Integrated Drawback Suspension , but also to other schemes administered by Secex like Drawback Exemption .

The Secex use the information collected to foster update on your standard regulatory regime , Secex Ordinance No. 23 , 2011 , Chapter III . This update should be published in the first half of 2014 . Also based on information from the consultation process improvement solutions for SISCOMEX can be developed. Aim is thus to make the Integrated Drawback Suspension even more interesting and accessible to Brazilian exporters , making them more competitive in foreign markets .

About Integrated Drawback Suspension

Created in 2010 , the Integrated Drawback Suspension is an important scheme for relief of Brazilian exports . Through him , purchases of inputs , whether imported or domestic , to be used in the manufacture of export products get along with the suspension of several taxes - II , IPI , PIS / COFINS . By exporting the final product , the suspension becomes exemption. Why avoid paying taxes that generate right after the credits , the drawback preserves the corporate cash , which makes the scheme one of the most financially interesting for exporters . He also has wide coverage , there is no limit to the productive sector or size of business .

To access the survey click the link

Source : MDIC


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